Daily Spiritual Rhythms

1. Start the day in quiet prayer and scripture.

Start the day in quiet prayer and scripture reading before anything digital, like Instagram, or the news, or television. If you have kids, ideally this will be before they wake up. Simply start the day in quiet with God.

2. Create a gratitude ritual.

Draw your attention to the things for which you are grateful. Perhaps you write them down each morning, or share with your family or friends around the dinner table or with someone from church.

3. Exercise or go for a walk.

If at all possible, while maintaining proper social distancing, exercise or go for a walk through your neighborhood. God has wonderfully made you so you don't have a body, but you are a body. Engage your body as part of your communion with God.

4. Pursue one good hobby.

Do one thing each day that brings you joy. This might be a hobby or creative pursuit you already have, or something you've always wanted to try. Working in the yard, cooking a good meal, solving a puzzle, playing a board game, painting, knitting, etc. All are great ways to calm your body and mind.

5. Connect with someone close to you everyday.

Establish a relational touch point with a close friend, family member, or someone from our church community or a discipleship group group. Be proactive and initiate. This is a time to draw closer in relationships, through the benefit of technology, not grow more distant.

6. Limit intake of news.

The news cycle moves at a rapid pace, but our internal tempo is not meant to live at that speed. Limit your intake to two times daily—once in the morning and once in the evening. Stick to credible sources like the The Pour Over.

7. Limit screen time and over-indulgence.

It's easy to over-indulge in escapist behaviors and melt into a screen. Don't mindlessly reach for "the fix." Find ways to limit your intake of things like social media, television, hours of streaming, staying up late, etc. Fill your time with some of the rhythms and practices outlined on this page.

8. Prayer Rhythms.

Each day, kneel and pray at morning, midday, and night. Set reminders on your phone to structure your day around abiding in Jesus. Historically called a fixed hour of prayer, this is a practical way to keep in step with the Spirit and maintain a posture of prayer.

We recommend these apps 24-7 Prayer Apps.

9. Connect with a discipleship group each week.

Stay connected with Compass Church. Join our live stream on Sundays at 10:30am via Facebook. Connect with a discipleship group groups. Make a commitment and show up ready to care for one another.

10. Set aside Sunday for worship and rest.

Even though our life's routines have been interrupted, we still need extended blocks of time to care for our souls. Gather with us online through our website or via Facebook. Then use Sunday afternoon for rest, connecting with family, and reflecting on what you hear God saying to you.
These are taken and adapted from Bridgetown Church in Portland, OR.